May 9, 2012

Harold Camping Breaks His Silence After Last Failed Prediction of May 21st

In what is supposed to serve as an "apology" to Family Radio supporters (the Family Radio Family), Harold Camping and his Family Radio Board of Directors posts a public letter of contrition.

Written from the royal "we" perspective, it never once speaks in terms of putting the blame squarely on Harold Camping's shoulders, leader and "Chief Prophet" of Family Radio, as I believe it should. (So much for leaders that take responsibility personally for their decisions.) Nowhere will you find the word "I" in this letter, no "Mea Culpa"s here, just "We-a Culpas" as the sheepish board at Family Radio once again follows along with whatever it is Camping is doing.

The tone of this letter doesn't help me to wholeheartedly believe the gang at FR is genuinely repentant. Oh, yes, they were careful to put in all the obligatory language but its interwoven with a whole lot of self-congratulation on how God used FR to reach millions with the Bible's message of coming judgment and the Gospel. The only problems with that is first,-- Who is FR to judge that anything they did in the midst of their sin had any positive results? What they were preaching was not a biblical message and so we must not assume that it was blessed with the tacit or implicit imprimatur of God. Sure, we know we can't thwart God's plan but is it really appropriate to be pointing out what they judge (as Monday morning quarterbacks) to be the useful aspects of their campaign of sin? Is that congruent with true humility and contrition? Secondly, to say that anything FR has been doing in the last many years is preaching the Gospel is a real stretch. In fact, if you listen carefully, FR does not preach the true Gospel anymore and hasn't for some time now.

The question still lingers for me-- Where were the individual board members when Camping was in the midst of his prognosticating? Did any of them have the clarity of discernment or the moral fortitude to differ with him then? To resign in protest? How about right after the date? Not one of them was ashamed of their participation or felt personally any weight of guilt? But almost a year later we are expected to believe that now everyone on Family Radio's board is finally repentant and contrite for their corporate sin of date setting? (Or was it simply a majority vote?) Now they've all held hands and sung Kumbaya together as they came to mutual and simultaneous knowledge of their sinfulness and are all repenting together-- I'm sorry if I just don't buy it at first blush. The bigger question though, if this repentance is genuine, is-- How will they make this repentance sure? (e.g. making one's calling and election sure)  You see, Family Radio, repentance when genuine requires more than a letter. It requires that you make restitution (at least one-fold, arguably 2 to 4 fold) whenever possible to those you have harmed by your sin. So how do you plan to restore those you led astray? To those who sold all and gave it directly to your ministry or to efforts like billboards to spread your sinful message? It was sinful--right?  That's what you've said. So don't you bear responsibility for the effects of your misguided and sinful false prediction(s)? You certainly do. As for me, until such time as I see verified evidence of your work at restitution, I will not accept this letter as confirming a genuine biblical repentance on the part of Family Radio et al, and certainly not of Harold Camping specifically.

You see we all know, wink-wink, who really runs Family Radio, and that is Mr. Camping and for all practical purposes--Mr. Camping alone. Oh, yes, there's you the Board but have you ever done anything but rubber-stamp that which Mr. Camping proposes? So then, repentance must come from Mr. Camping, and it must include restitution to those who were misled and gave significant sums of money to support Family Radio in recent years. How can we begin to speak of the few unfortunate deaths that resulted from your sinful predictions?

As for the Board members, feel free to think for yourselves, even resign perhaps. I mean if you can all get sucked into this kind of heretical use of Scripture and airwaves you really should do some soul-searching to determine if you are truly fit and called to lead such a large para-church "ministry".  I think its time for fresh blood. It's definitely time for measures of transparent and verifiable accountability to the Christian world at-large and to other para-church ministries (or even to an ecclesiastical/denominational relationship of some kind) in which there can be checks and balances with respect to what you broadcast. The white elephant in the room is still the question of whether Harold Camping should continue to lead this ministry. I think if the board was truly god-honoring they would prayerfully consider this question as well as whether they have the courage to do what God may put upon their hearts in answer to such a prayer. Personally, I think he should resign post-haste. Are you truly repentant? Does Mr. Camping truly have the best interest of ministry at FR at heart? Do you the as an organization really want to reclaim some semblance of reputation? The Mr. Camping needs to graciously fade into the proverbial sunset.

I'll ask for forgiveness in advance if I am being too harsh but given the scope and severity of the sin of Harold Camping and his complicit Board of Directors who enabled and executed his plan in lock-step, I cannot accept this letter as adequate to acquit FR of all its requirements for genuine biblical repentance. I need to see restitution going on and new steps toward accountability with the larger orthodox Christian world.

The following is that letter from the Family Radio website reproduced in its entirety:

"God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged." Romans 3:4

Dear Family Radio Family,

In this time of confusion and turmoil, God’s Word remains the only truth in which we can trust. God has shown us again the truth that He alone is true. In Romans 3:4 God declares: "Let God be true but every man a liar." Events within the last year have proven that no man can be fully trusted. Even the most sincere and zealous of us can be mistaken.

The May 21 campaign was an astounding event if you think about its impact upon this world. There is no question that millions, if not billions of people heard for the first time the Bible’s warning that Jesus Christ will return. Huge portions of this world that had never read or seen a Bible heard the message the Christ Jesus is coming to rapture His people and destroy this natural world. 

Yes, we humbly acknowledge we were wrong about the timing; yet though we were wrong God is still using the May 21 warning in a very mighty way. In the months following May 21 the Bible has, in some ways, come out from under the shadows and is now being discussed by all kinds of people who never before paid any attention to the Bible. We learn about this, for example, by the recent National Geographic articles concerning the King James Bible and the Apostles. Reading about and even discussing about the Bible can never be a bad thing, even if the Bible’s authenticity is questioned or ridiculed. The world’s attention has been called to the Bible.

We must also openly acknowledge that we have no new evidence pointing to another date for the end of the world. Though many dates are circulating, Family Radio has no interest in even considering another date. God has humbled us through the events of May 21, to continue to even more fervently search the Scriptures (the Bible), not to find dates, but to be more faithful in our understanding.

We have learned the very painful lesson that all of creation is in God’s hands and He will end time in His time, not ours! We humbly recognize that God may not tell His people the date when Christ will return, any more than He tells anyone the date they will die physically.

We realize that many people are hoping they will know the date of Christ’s return. In fact for a time Family Radio fell into that kind of thinking. But we now realize that those people who were calling our attention to the Bible’s statement that "of that day and hour knoweth no man" (Matthew 24:36 & Mark 13:32), were right in their understanding of those verses and Family Radio was wrong. Whether God will ever give us any indication of the date of His return is hidden in God’s divine plan.

We were even so bold as to insist that the Bible guaranteed that Christ would return on May 21 and that the true believers would be raptured. Yet this incorrect and sinful statement allowed God to get the attention of a great many people who otherwise would not have paid attention. Even as God used sinful Balaam to accomplish His purposes, so He used our sin to accomplish His purpose of making the whole world acquainted with the Bible. However, even so, that does not excuse us. We tremble before God as we humbly ask Him for forgiveness for making that sinful statement. We are so thankful that God is so loving that He will forgive even this sin.

So we must be satisfied to humbly wait upon God, and trust He will guide His people to safety. At Family Radio, we continue to look to God for guidance. If it is His good pleasure for us to continue on with our original mission, the proclamation of the Gospel, God’s Word, then we must continue to look to Him.

We consider you to be a real part of this ministry and the tremendous opportunities which God, by His unfathomable mercy and grace, continues to give to us. And, your steadfast involvement and support is so appreciated! May God bless you, Harold Camping and the staff of Family Radio.

(end of FR letter)

It is a sad day to see how far Family Radio has fallen. This is especially painful for those of us who became acquainted with Family Radio before the beginning of the date setting in the late eighties-early nineties. Many of us remain who were truly blessed by God as He was pleased to use FR before this turn for the worse of the last twenty some-odd years. Anyone remember Omar Andeel? How about when Dr. Gabriel Otero still ran the FR School of the Bible? Those were the good-ole days of Family Radio.

May God be pleased to grant true repentance and that those at FR return to what the Bible truly has to say to mankind.

-Michael Rotolo

Nov 9, 2011

God Is Against The New Apostolic Reformation and T. D. Jakes

God wants to be worshiped for who He is, for what He has done in the way He has declared.

It is open season on abusing the Holy Spirit, outrageous dishonor of the Holy Spirit claiming He is saying things and doing things and generating things that have nothing to do with the Holy Spirit at all. It is a reckless kind of movement.

It is a shameful and dangerous sin to heap such abuse on the Holy Spirit. In fact, the idea of bringing dishonor on the Holy Spirit ought to make any thinking person tremble.

People think less interested, I think, in claiming that God is doing certain things, or saying certain things, or that Christ is doing things or saying certain things then they are at saying the Holy Spirit did this, the Holy Spirit said this, the Holy Spirit is producing and generating this that there just seems to be no restraint on the things that are blamed on the Holy Spirit.

A way to perceive this would be to see it as a contrast to what we see in Matthew chapter 12, for example. The leaders of Israel committed the unpardonable sin and what was that unpardonable sin? It was attributing to Satan the work of the Holy Spirit. You remember that? It was attributing to Satan the work of the Holy Spirit, Matthew 12:31-32.

What’s going on today is the opposite, attributing to the Holy Spirit the work of Satan. That’s what’s going on. Attributing to the Holy Spirit the work of Satan. Satan is alive and at work in deception, false miracles, bad theology, lying visions, lying dreams, lying revelations, deceptive teachers who are in it for the money and power and influence. Satan is alive and well and the work of Satan is being attributed to the Holy Spirit, that is a serious blasphemy just as attributing to Satan the work of the Holy Spirit is a serious blasphemy.

I couldn’t even begin to give you all the illustrations, you have enough of them in your own mind. You can turn on your television and see any litany of them that you would choose. And in order to give credibility to all these things, all these lies, they attach them to the Holy Spirit as if it’s a freebie, as if there’s no price to pay for that kind of blasphemy.

The latest wave of this, I’ll just give you one illustration, the latest wave of this that is gaining traction and has entered into the sort of national news is a new form of Charismania, bringing reproach on the Holy Spirit called the New Apostolic Reformation, NAR, the New Apostolic Reformation. It is not new, it is not apostolic, and it is not a reformation, by the way. It is like Grape Nuts, it’s not grapes and it’s not nuts, it’s like Christian Science, it’s not Christian and it’s not scientific. Well the New Apostolic Reformation isn’t new, it isn’t apostolic and it isn’t a reformation.

But it is a rapidly expanding movement being generated by some of the same old troubling false teachers and false leaders that have been around in Charismania for decades, always dishonoring the Holy Spirit, always dishonoring the Scripture, always claiming miracle signs, wonders, visions, dreams. Peter Wagner, the Kansas City prophets, Mike Bickle, Cindy Jacobs, Lou Engle(??), and on and on and on it goes. In fact, this is exploding so fast that they have a 50-state network that are now involved in this.

This is a new kind of a Charismania, it’s sort of on steroids. One writer said it’s Charismania with shots of adrenalin. And here’s what their basic claim is, that the Holy Spirit has revealed to them that in the year 2001, we entered into the second apostolic age…in the year 2001 we entered into the second apostolic age. What does that mean? It means that the long-lost offices of New Testament prophet and New Testament apostle have been restored, that the Holy Spirit has given the power of prophecy and the power and authority of an apostle to certain people in this generation of the church since 2001. It seems very odd to me that the Holy Spirit would give that to people whose theology is unbiblical and totally aberrant…

Of all the ages in the history of the church, this is the one most capable of feeding pride. Why? Because they’re so many ways to stick yourself in front of people’s faces across the planet. This is an easy time for proud people to make the most of themselves. There just doesn’t seem to be interest in the work and ministry of the Holy Spirit. There is even a toleration of a view of the Holy Spirit that’s downright heretical and that is what, I guess you could call modalism, I know that’s a technical term but that’s simply to say that there’s only one God, He’s not three persons, He’s one God who appears in three modes not at the same time but separately.

Sometimes He’s the Father, sometimes He’s the Son, sometimes He’s the Spirit, He’s never three in one. That’s the view, for example, of T.D. Jakes, Sabellianism, Modalism. It doesn’t seem to bother lots of folks that he has a God who is not the God of the Bible. That his view of the Holy Spirit is a heresy. His view of the Son and the Father equally heretical. We have to get the Trinity right and we have to give due worship to the Holy Spirit, equal to the Son, equal to the Father.

So these things have been on my mind and a lot of things in addition, but I think you get the picture. And we haven’t really looked down hard at the ministry of the Holy Spirit to see what it is that we need to worship Him for and what we need to be focused on in terms of giving Him the praise and the honor that He is due.

The disinterest in the Holy Spirit is what gives rise to pragmatism. We have replaced supernaturalism, the ministry of the Holy Spirit, with pragmatism. We’ve committed the sin of the Galatians, Galatians 3 Paul says, “Having begun in the Spirit, are you made perfect by the flesh?” In other words, there’s no way to get saved except by the work of the Holy Spirit. Now that you’re saved, have you now taken over with the flesh?

You’re going to accomplish everything through the flesh. Pride has defeated humility and that’s always an affront to the Holy Spirit. Where are the meek? And where are the humble? And where are the lowly? Where the Holy Spirit is, Christ will be exalted. It will be Christ and it will be Christ again who receives all the praise and all the honor and all the glory. The Holy Spirit is grieved if Christ is not exalted. His work is quenched and the flesh is elevated.

So we could have done this perhaps through the years and we have touched on, of course, all the New Testament teaches about the Holy Spirit. Eventually we would have covered it all over the last 40 years or so. But I want to take a look at the ministry of the Holy Spirit in the next few weeks. (The Modern Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit)

John MacArthur


Oct 31, 2011

Lesbian Student Crowned High School Homecoming King

The godless, liberal madness continues... see the video here at .