Nov 16, 2010

THE THIRD JIHAD Movie: A Wake-Up Call for America

THE THIRD JIHAD is a wake-up call for America. It tells about the plans that radical Islam has for America using documentary footage, their own television programs, their own writings, and professors at prestigious institutions like Princeton. The host is a moderate Muslim who slowly but surely shows that Islam’s goal is not to take America by violence but rather to take America from the inside.

One of the most enlightening, and potentially discouraging, parts of the documentary is the information on Islam’s non-violent cultural jihad against America’s biblical values taking place in local laws, the legal system and American universities. Leaders and experts featured in the film include American Muslim Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, Rudy Giuliani, former Mayor of NYC, former CIA Director Jim Woolsey, NYC Police Commissioner Ray Kelly, Senator Joe Lieberman, former Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge, and former terrorist group member Tawfik Hamid.

Watching the testimonies and the gruesome depictions of violence, especially by little children, will drive anyone to their knees in prayer. The program says that it’s too late for Europe and hints it may be too late for America.

That said, it is important to know that God is ultimately in charge of everything that happens.

People should watch this vital video now so they can learn how to pray to God for America and its future.